Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A2Z . . . This week the letter E

Hey that rhymed! Well, just pointing out the obvious.

The letter E is giving me a bit of difficulty this week.

. . . Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

Alright, I've decided I will write about Eggs. I like eggs. They are good stuff. Surprisingly, I never really appreciated or notice my love of eggs until I went on a trip to Cape Cod with my Aunt, grandmother and one of my Aunts friends.

I was getting sick on the trip a lot and especially in the morning. My Aunt wondered if I was waking up hungry and had low blood sugar, which most definitely makes you sick. Headaches, shaking, anxiety, nausea and vomiting are just a few of the side effects. My Aunt told me I should eat more protein and smaller meals more often as well.

Did you know? Rotten eggs float.

One night on the trip she decided to make eggs for her and myself. She scrambled them and put cheese on there and then served it on a piece of whole wheat toast. Needless to say it was delicious. I fell in love with it. That was probably the first time I appreciated and fell in love with eggs.

Ever since then I will eat eggs of any kind just about. Scrambled. Fried. Omelet. Hard boiled. Deviled. Anything except sunny side up.

I think I'm going to go make me some eggs now. . . I'm hungry!

To read more A2Z Meme's or if you are a blogger and want to join in, go to Patterings


  1. Yummy! Lots of cheese makes them even better!

  2. I love eggs, too! Great for protein and also choline (good brain food!) When I fix them it's just for me, though (or for son, too, if he's around) hubby HATES eggs. Totally refuses to eat them. Once we were in a Mexican restaurant and he got a combo platter and exclaimed about how good this one part was. He had me take a bite and I laughed and told him he was eating huevos (eggs). He got this horrified expression and stopped eating. He said, "I know it's stupid. I know I was just enjoying them. But now that I know what they are, I just can't eat them." LOL

    1. That is funny about your husband. I remember seeing my friend's dad (may he Rest in Peace) eating beeted eggs. I like beets and I like eggs but seeing a purple-ish colored egg was a little terrifying.

  3. Mmmmm. I could use a good egg right about now. My favorite egg dish is Goldenrod. Toast with Southern White gravy and sprinkled with a boiled egg. Yuummmeee! Breaks my heart that my dinky twinkies are allergic to egg-whites. Bummer.

    1. I can't say I've ever had Goldenrod but I'd love to try it some day.

      I like putting hard boiled egg in green salads or in pasta salads. I feel like eggs are so versatile, they're almost perfect!

    2. Oh and I didn't realize you could be allergic to egg whites. I guess I just always assumed people would be allergic to the whole egg.

  4. This is a funny post about E. love this meme and visiting all the blogs, seeing what people have come up with - yours made me smile!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it and that it made you smile! :)

  5. Eggs are awesome! Which reminds me, I must look up "coddled eggs" and find out what they are and how to make them.

  6. My sister and I just made egg flower soup tonight. It was yummy!
